Board of directors

Christina Kilby, CFTBC - President
Christina has been passionate about animals since she was a child. She recently became an expert in feline behavior and became a Certified Feline Training and Behavior Counselor (CFTBC). She's been involved in animal welfare for 30 years. She shares her home with several furry and feathered "kids."
Renae Distasio - Secretary/Treasurer
Renae has been volunteering in animal rescue for the last 12 years. She is the proud parent of a rescued dog named Crash.
Krista Schnabel, VMD - Veterinarian at VCA Arden Veterinary Animal Hospital
Scott Mann - Technology Consultant
Larry Bosma, DVM -Owner of North Valley Veterinary Clinic
Jessica Stansell-Aiyegbusi - Secretary
Jessica served on our Board for almost 2 years before she lost her battle with breast cancer. She was somewhat new to professional rescuing but had been doing animal rescue on her own for several years. We were thrilled to have her and her endless enthusiasm on our team! She was the mother to 5 children and a variety of furry creatures (not to mention all the neighborhood kids she took in!).